by Marcello d’Andrea |
1/320 English Galleon, late XVI century (Airfix)
1/320 english Galleon (Airfix kitbash) in London harbour (totally scratchbuilt). I used the hull of the Airfix "Golden Hind" (Historical Ship serie 1) , an absolutely vintage kit, released in 1952 marking the first Airfix kit. The hull were completely smoothed out, then I rebuilt everything else. The rigging is in stretched sprue, the sails are a thin sheet of milliput. The whole diorama is scratchbuilt, the houses are made of polystyrene covered with cardboard, then filled and smoothed, the details are made with plasticard strips. Old lifeboats from other kits, later detailed, were used to reproduce the fishing boats along the docks. All the figures are resin pieces from l’Arsenal.